Easy way to add PROM data to operation data. Preoperation and postoperation 1 year, 6 years and 10 years are added. Also an option to add reoperation PROM.
add_prom( dataOp, dataPREP, dataPOSTP, cens_date = NULL, primary_prom_start_year = 2002, add_reop_prom = FALSE, reop_prom_start_year = 2017 )
dataOp | Corresponds to dataOperations in SHPR datalayer. Variables needed are SubjectKey, P_Side, P_ProstType and P_SurgDate. |
dataPREP | Corresponds to dataPROMBefore. Variables SubjectKey, PREP_HipPain[L|R] must be included. |
dataPOSTP | Corresponds to dataPROMAfter. Variables SubjectKey, POSTP_HipPain[L|R], POSTP_Satisfaction, POSTP_Satisfaction[L|R] must be included. |
cens_date | Censor date for PROM, example if cens_date = '2018-12-31' there will be no PROMS after that date. |
primary_prom_start_year | Start year for PROM, should probably not be changed. |
add_reop_prom | Boolean if reoperation PROM should be added, that PROM is marked with _reop after every variable. |
reop_prom_start_year | Start year for reop PROM, should probably not be changed. |
dataOp with added PROM variables